#NYT June 17, 2023 Estimated to be worth about $460 billion
, #SpaceBusinesses sometimes operate in legal black holes
• In #theory, #space belongs to #everyone
• That perspective is about to collide with #reality
• #SpaceDebris : Since nobody owns space, it isn’t always clear whose #responsibility it is to clean it up
• The #US government has #deliberately left some holes
• Business leaders caution against creating so much regulation that it pushes #innovation #offshore while recognizing that we need rules
From a #commercial aspect, we want the #government to #declare what the #standards are and then get out of the way.
What you want to avoid is #regulation that locks in a specific set of technologies as opposed to expectations for #performances of behavior.
If #policy questions “linger” too long, investors will be scared off, stymying* the company’s growth.
The present “#piecemeal, fragmented licensing approach” needs to be #streamlined. Technology’s #speed and regulation’s #slowness causes friction https://aerospace.csis.org/the-private-sectors-assessment-of-u-s-space-policy-and-law
*stymie somebody : https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/stymie