Damn I'm getting old.
#agingCyberpunk #Elastica #britpop #music
Le podcast est là :
C'en est bien fini de ce millésime de merde à tous égards, alors pour le dernier PCR de 2024, vos Grands Leaders se paient le luxe d'arriver en retard et de partir un peu dans tous les sens. Y a du #hiphop, du vieux #punk au son fumé, les annonces concerts, des genres de nouveautés, les locaux de la semaine, et l'hommage à Bertrand, un copain de Campus récemment disparu...
#Doss #TaXXmen #DirectAction #ElMomo #Drops #Craiceann #Kneecap #PranjeMozga #PrljavoKazalište #CyrilMokaiesh #Messieurs #Abuse #ActionBronson #Elastica
#hardcore #postpunk
G-Nitro’s Daily Music Wrap-Up - 12/04/24
I revisit a 90s favorite with Elastica's self-titled album.
Favorite Videos include Eric Bellenger's Front Porch Concert, EJel on it's Live, and more!
I wrote on here almost a year ago about how much I love that first Elastica record from 1995.
But it's another Wednesday, and I find myself listening to it yet again.
Instant mood enhancer for me. The whole damn perfect thing.
Hey, #MusicMonday !
Today is the birthday of Ms. #JustineFrischmann, founder of #Suede, frontwoman of #Elastica, which was one of the band queens of the 90s, with #L7 and #Hole.
Not enough? She also discovers #M.I.A.
There is a lot of connections.
Meet the #APIPlatformCon speakers Discover the conference by Fabien Papet, lead developer and certified #Symfony expert, which will focus on the integration of #Elastica into API Platform. Get your ticket: https://api-platform.com/con/2024/
Da Oasis wieder am Start sind, hier die ganz große Playlist. Die Sendung ist in der ARD Audiothek. Bei Radioeins auch die Playlist (01.09.2024, Sondersendung). Freue mich über The Verve auf Nummer 1! Ein Gruß aus den Neunzigern!
And finally: Elastica. Formerly of Suede: Justine Frischmann (also of Blur) and Justin Welch and a few friends. The band called it quits in 2001 after only 2 albums.
#ILikeToWatch #Elastica
New upload:
Elastica - Generator (Peel Session)
Generator by Elastica, taken from the Peel Session recorded on 22 September 1999.
It's #MusicWomenWednesday, and the first thing that came to mind as is often the case for me when thinking of great female artists is E L A S T I C A
(They're SO fuckin good, I can't even choose a favorite song between these three & the whole damn album is a masterpiece)
LEE AARON Debuts Music Video For Her Take On HEART Classic "Even It Up"
“Hey Siri. Play Connection by Elastica.”
#Nite #HomePod #Music #Elastica
Music: https://music.apple.com/gb/album/connection/1537947271?i=1537947466