Finally got to reading this piece on John Sadler. Some fascinating and highly problematic areas in thinking about morality and mental illness. Another triumph of the therapeutic? Via @awaisaftab| #mentalhealth #mentalillness #science #morality #philosophy #psychiatry
Stephen Council: Ex-Facebook director's new book paints brutal image of Mark #zuckerberg Sarah Wynn-Williams' 'Careless People' is a scathing critique of Facebook's top brass in the 2010s
#facebook #meta #morality #corruption
In a capitalist patriarchy, when sex is a product then women (in general) are for sale. But its a game they can't win, so at least part of society imagines, because then, so at least part of society says, they have become whores, sluts, slags, bikes, holes, meat to fuck, dirty, tramps and cumrags. There are an amazing amount of women on Only Fans and similar sites who HIDE THEIR FACES. Why? You know why. The morality of our civilisation forces women (and others) to become sex objects AND THEN IT CONDEMNS AND JUDGES THEM FOR IT. They are made into good capitalists but also into dirty, unspeakable capitalists. They are fucked both ways. This particularly affects women who are, for entirely dubious patriarchal reasons only, supposed to be more chaste than men. This boils down to simple misogyny when a man might imagine forcing a woman to her knees for his pleasure but gets to call her a cockslut, and value her accordingly, when she is done. Men always win, women can only lose. Such is the morality of standard patriarchal heterosexuality under capitalism. The man is dominant, the woman inferior. Know your place.
Morality is subjective, changeable, circumstantially dependent, and meant to be a personal belief system, not a shared societal framework. Listen to this weeks’ episode of my podcast to learn a little more about how I see the world and how I think morality plays a role in that world. Please share and subscribe. It would be greatly appreciated!
Just because something is legal does not mean its good, and just because something is illegal does not mean its bad.
You have to actually use your brain and analyze context and think about situations to determine morality there is no cheatcode/shortcut.
Education must be based on two things: ethics and prudence; ethics in order to develop your good qualities, prudence to protect you from other people’s bad ones. If you attach too great an importance to goodness, you produce credulous fools; if you’re too prudent, you produce self-serving, scheming rogues.
[L’Éducation doit porter sur deux bases, la morale et la prudence ; la morale, pour appuyer la vertu ; la prudence, pour vous défendre contre les vices d’autrui. En faisant pencher la balance du côté de la morale, vous ne faites que des dupes ou des martyrs; en la faisant pencher de l’autre côté, vous faites des calculateurs égoïstes.]
Nicolas Chamfort (1741-1794) French writer, epigrammist (b. Nicolas-Sébastien Roch)
Products of Perfected Civilization [Produits de la Civilisation Perfectionée], Part 1 “Maxims and Thoughts [Maximes et Pensées],” ch. 5, ¶ 321 (1795) [tr. Parmée (2003), ¶ 205]
Sourcing, notes, alternate translations:…
Morality and Self-Interest Edited by Paul Bloomfield, 2007
Ever since "Know Thyself" was inscribed at Delphi, Western philosophers have struggled to understand the relations between morality and self-interest. This edited volume of essays pushes forward one of the oldest and most important debates in philosophy. Is morality a check on self-interest or is it in one's self interest to be moral?
Colossal CEO Ben Lamm says humanity has a ‘moral obligation’ to pursue de-extinction tech
The CEO of Colossal, a startup that aims to use genetic editing techniques to bring back extinct species, including the wooly mammoth, assured audiences at SXSW that the company has no plans to create a real-life Jurassic Park — lest there was any doubt.
John Calvin, early Calvinist, writes on Amos 8:5. A few rich held the country in famine. Amos asks the rich if God was too harsh w/ them for killing their compatriots with want?
Calvin and Amos held that a rich person could hold people in famine. Today, would we instead blame the “Amoses” of the day for interfering in the deeds of the rich?
How can you hold worship in its proper place, and act in the marketplace with integrity and justice?
This is not a popular opinion, but I have come to believe that social movements do not ultimately bring systematic change. Not be a contrarian, but I think it takes the right individual that sparks the final measure that brings about real, fundamental change. Let me give some examples.
Martin Luther King, Jr. I know he didn't do it on his own, but he was a singular force, and that is authentic.
From fiction:
Gabriel Bell from the famous Star Trek: DS9 two-parter, "Past Tense" and the Bell Riots. Yes, he also very much did not do it on his own, but he was a force to be reckoned with.
John Sheridan from Babylon 5. He also did not do it on his own, he had both an immediate crew and an extended crew, but he was hands on and even died only to come back and finish the job. He ultimately made the decisions that changed history.
I know how generic I sound. I know I seem like I lack faith in the collective. Well, having lived with severe disability for 27 years, yes, I do lack faith in people at large. I know what you are willing to do to me when no one else is watching. I know it takes a single soul, the right person who possesses the qualities that the collective claims to be in favor of, but they are never actually capable of those moral values, not personally, they are not. It will take one leader to bring change. The group cannot do it.
my moral compass
insists it's pointing steady,
that the world's spinning
Debate Video: Christianity OR Secular Ethics, Which Is Better for Society? - Lawrence Krauss VS Mike Jones #Christianity #secularism #ethics #morality #debate
Your Moment of RPG Inspiration: Stop giving your players easy decisions. Make it easy to be the bad guy. Make it hard to be the good guy. Make the people in charge well-intentioned. Make the people they have to cooperate with absolute scumbags.
The tote bags I'm using for shopping today...
1. Fuck Your Morals
From a stick-up outside #Booksa bookshop / café in Zagreb, Croatia.
I turned my photo of it into a paper negative and printed it in #cyanotype
Considering that #Trump has cut #militaryaid and #intelligencesharing with #Ukraine, I don't see why he thinks he can ban anything they feel they need to do to save their lives and their lives and their country.