Explaining software development methods by flying to Mars
What is the methodology called where you:
Plan to go to orbit, blow up seconds into the flight, and declare it a success.
Plan to refuel in orbit, make it minutes before the rocket brakes. Fire the FTS, it fails, the rocket blows up a minute later und declare it a successful test of the FTS.
Argue to NASA that you are not the limiting factor to the moon mission planed for the end of the year, despite delivering none of the milestones.
FTS = flight termination system
So 3 minutes+ (first test) is "seconds", and rapid iterative development with early integration is not a programming methodology? You know that most mastodon servers prohibit counterfactualing, right?
For the record, 2nd test flight put the payload into the assigned orbit.
4th test flight got as far attempting a simulated landing (on water). Meanwhile, every other launch vehicle meets a hot flaming death in the atmosphere after delivering their payload to orbit (like test flight 2 did), because they don't even try to land their vehicles after boosting.
Your problem is what, exactly, besides yourself? The hurr-durr is strong with this one.