Spend your time on stuff when you definitely need it.
While working on the service for our #bootstrapping bakery I didn’t want to spend time on db design. So I started with nocodb. 20mins and we have db we can work with.
Yes, you’ll face with issues and limits while working with #nocode solutions, but the time it will take is way less. Recently we decided to add comments and some other stuff that requires db changes. Only at that moment I sat down and spend some time to create proper db structure
I brought migrations to the project and migrated the data.
The thing that it was done only when we certainly needed such modifications.
You don’t need to spend time designing db structure and implement migrations when you even don’t have customers.
I went with simple solution that will satisfy many of us. Minimal tool with ascetic features, but it do the work. If I’ll need something more feature rich I’ll get it later.
Later I’ll write some thoughts on working with solutions like nocodb(spoiler: they’re quite good, but..)