Today we had our last session on the last chapter of @davefarley77's book "modern software engineering" in the #bookclub at @turbinekreuzberg.
It was the first bookclub in years and we were lucky to have picked this book for it!
Our resume: This book broadened our understanding of our day to day practices like #TDD and put it into the context of a lifetime experience as a developer. What stood out the most to us was the chapter on feedback. How the quality of feedback influences what we can achieve and how we can achieve high quality feedback.
We heard about this first on the #thoughtworks #podcast:
@thrillfall ist mit nem halben Bein im Fediverse?
@tommy ja, für 5€/Monat gibts nen Mastodon Account auf deren Server.
@thrillfall @turbinekreuzberg Thanks, and I am pleased that you enjoyed the book.
I think that Feedback is probably the driving force, without it we can't learn and can't make good progress. So optimising for fast, high-quality feedback underpins nearly everything else.