Many of the conservatives who are pushing hardest for book bans in public schools homeschool their kids or send them to private schools.
They still push for this because destruction of public schools as an engine of egalitarianism, democracy and social mobility serves their larger ideological goals of having an unequal society with "good people" like them at the top, served by exploited and ignorant poor underneath.
The ultimate goal of the project is to have the rich send their kids to secular private schools where high-level instruction is monopolized for the wealthy, the middle class to send their kids to religious schools where they are kept ignorant and propagandized, and for the poor to defunded public schools that feature almost no instruction and instead prepare them for servitude and compliance (or prison).
@mtsw among the founders of the United States were many #masons who had witnessed the affect of private schools in Europe and felt it was imperative that America have strong public schools for all citizens in order for democracy to thrive. We have widened or views on who can be a citizen, but, I do not believe they were mistaken.