so excited to share with you all: a new addition to Copilot Labs...
Code Brushes
We wondered how we could make editing your code feel as tactile and easy as paint with a brush in Photoshop?
and a few examples
we added a toolbox full of "brushes" to VSCode - I'll talk about a few specific ones.
Sometimes, you run across some code and have to stop to scratch your head. What if you could make code "more readable" with a click?
often, the types I'm using are pretty straightforward - what if those could be auto-generated?
here's a fun one! sometimes I end up banging my head against a bug, to realize that it's as simple as a typo. Could we have a brush that detects those?
there are more examples in the write-up!
It's important to me that we focus on :undefined: empowering :undefined: developers instead of automating them, and this is one exploration that came out of that focus. I would love to hear what you think, or if you know of related tools or similar real-life interactions.
@wattenberger I love this!!