You can't make this **** up. An #Oklahoma state legislators has introduced a bill that labels only "Hispanic" gang members as terrrorists and subject them to higher penalties for the same crimes if committed by non-LatinX people.
This is fucking racism.
Read OK Rep West’s full statement here. #OKLeg #DaylightSavingTime #StandardTime #DitchTheSwitch
#OKLeg approves permanent DST. Would force families to school/work in the dark ⅓ of the year. Please tell Governor Stitt to veto SB 1200! #DitchDST
Oklahoma: Tell Governor Stitt to veto SB 1200! Permanent DST would put sunrise past 8am for 3–5 months, as late as 8:30–9am. It cost lives and business when last tried. Click here to contact his office: #OKLeg #DitchDST
Oklahoma: Click to remind #OKLeg state reps NO on SB 1200, no to permanent DST’s 8:30am sunrises, amend to Standard Time for safety and business!
#OKLeg SB 1200 permanent DST is now sponsored by Reps Steve Bashore, Brad Boles, Josh Cantrell, Scott Fetgatter, David Hardin, Brian Hill, Daniel Pae, Randy Randleman PhD, & Tammy Townley.
Tell your state reps to OPPOSE and AMEND to permanent Standard Time for safety and business! Find yours here:
Oklahoma house committee votes for permanent DST. Bill goes next to house floor. Tell your #OKLeg state reps NO on SB 1200’s 8:30–9am sunrises! Amend to Standard Time for health/safety! #DitchDST
Oklahomans: Tell state reps NO on SB 1200. Permanent DST forces early waking, deprives sleep, increases accidents and illness. #DitchDST #OKLeg
Oklahoma: Permanent DST would force earlier waking in darkness. Permanent Standard Time is naturally healthier, fairer, safer. NO on SB 1200! #OKLeg #DitchDST
Oklahoma: Remind state reps NO on SB 1200, amend to permanent Standard Time. Permanent DST would force millions to work/school in the dark! Click here:
#OKLeg #NaturalTime #DaylightSavingTime
The Oklahoman ask opinions on permanent DST for an upcoming report be sent to an email address or submission form here. pDST would put sunrise past 8am 3–5 months, past 9am. Permanent Standard Time instead would let us sleep past sunrise most days. #OKLeg
Find your #OKLeg state reps at this link. Tell them NO to permanent DST (by Stephens), YES to permanent Standard Time (by West).
Oklahoma: Tell state legislators to support Representative Kevin West’s efforts to end clock change the healthy, safe, legal way: permanent Standard Time, not permanent DST! #DitchDST #DitchTheSwitch #OKLeg
Oklahoma! DST is now forcing early waking relative to sunrise. Permanent DST would force even earlier waking all winter. Click this link to tell #OKLeg NO on SB 1200, amend to permanent Standard Time for sleep health!
Oklahoma: Click here to tell #OKLeg NO on SB 1200. Permanent DST would force families to wake an hour early and go to work/school in the dark all winter. Amend to permanent Standard Time to end clock change without sleep deprivation.
Oklahoma Senate votes Monday 1pm on permanent DST. It would put sunrise past 8am for 3–5 months, beyond 9am! Tell state senators asap NO on SB 1200, amend to Standard Time. Find them here: #OKLeg #DitchDST
Oklahoma committee approved permanent Daylight Saving Time. No public testimony permitted. Bill advanced to full Senate. Tell #OKLeg NO on SB 1200, amend to permanent Standard Time! #DitchDST