Texas lawmakers are in the midst of their 89th legislative session, and lowering property taxes is one of the main goals Gov. Greg Abbott has directed them to address.

Texas lawmakers are in the midst of their 89th legislative session, and lowering property taxes is one of the main goals Gov. Greg Abbott has directed them to address.
NPI’s founder appears before Senate Ways & Means Committee to urge legislators to increase K‑12 funding in a responsible budget
Voters know that schools have been underfunded for decades and want to raise revenue to fully fund them. Every time NPI has asked that question, we have found a majority answering in the affirmative... for an entire decade.
Expenditures have gone up this year for Houston ISD in part because enrollment is down more than district leaders anticipated.
Our situation has taken a long time to develop @moz
Remedying it will not be easy. The privileged will not readily surrender their ill-gotten gains.
We'd need to start by building up the public sector so that it could cope with a sudden influx of demand (like the Goulburn example). That will create public assets which Conservatives would no doubt seek to privatise.
Taxpayer support is evidently based less on need than on greed. Most funding goes to the loudest/most influential. That must change, though achieving change in our fundamentally debased system won't be easy.
There need to be limits on what our funding supports, though how to do that without handing weapons to the next wannabe autocrat, I don't know.
In Australia, when "doctrine" has led to violation of law, the law has generally prevailed. AFAIK, the Catholic church promotes neither a political ideology nor loyalty to a foreign country. The latter could be viewed as treasonous.
I'm not at all happy that Australian taxpayers subsidise religious institutions, but I understand some of the history.
Twenty of Australia’s wealthiest private schools received a staggering $130m in public funding in 2023. Meanwhile, negotiations between the education minister and states on the Schooling Resource Standard remain deadlocked. #education #australia #publicfunding #privateschools #schoolfunding #equityineducation #educationpolicy
We could just pay bus drivers what they're worth but no
#NCpol #educationFunding #publicSchools #DPSNC #DurhamNC #schoolFunding
SERAPH Provides Public and Private Schools with Education Grants and Funding https://buff.ly/3Tb69L2 #schoolgrants #schoolfunding #charterschools
This UK-German Connection programme for schools looks great.
A stalwart champion for education: The late Governor Dan Evans made Washington’s K‑12 schools, colleges, and universities better
Evans didn't just prioritize education as governor... he did so throughout his life. He went on to serve as President of the Evergreen State College and President of the University of Washington, too. Read NPI contributor Joel Connelly's appreciation of his contributions.
NATIONAL SCHOOL SAFETY TASK FORCE Public and Private Schools with Education Grants and Funding https://buff.ly/3Tb69L2 #schoolgrants #privateschools #schoolfunding
Why can't these ungrateful little shits conform to the educational standards and benchmarks set for them by lawyers and politicians?
How will Australia score well in international rankings and continue with the commodification of education?
In absolutely and completely unrelated news public schools are about $5 billion short of their minimum funding levels.
NYT Gift: Oklahoma Supreme Court Says No to State Funding for a Religious Charter School |
In a closely watched case, Oklahoma’s highest court blocked what was set to become the nation’s first religious charter school. An appeal is likely. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/25/us/oklahoma-supreme-court-religious-charter-school.html?unlocked_article_code=1.2k0.GqfC.AIeZmIz22BbU&smid=url-share #PublicEducation #SchoolFunding
Billions in taxpayer dollars now go to religious schools via vouchers
"The rapid expansion of state voucher programs follows court decisions that have eroded the separation between church and state," The Washington Post reports.
It was always about taking things away from you. It's sad that Republicans are so clueless.
Iowa Rural Republicans and School Voucher Opposition | Radio 570 WNAX
https://wnax.com/news/180081-iowa-rural-republicans-and-school-voucher-opposition/ #schoolvouchers #schoolfunding #LeopardsAteMyFace #LeopardsEatingFaces
Community members, educators, parents and students delivered sharp criticisms this week to leaders in Cy-Fair ISD, and to state officials, after it was revealed that 50 librarian positions were being eliminated in response to a budget shortfall.
English schools could lose £1bn by 2030 as pupil numbers fall | School funding | The Guardian