Anyone know the name of the last video rented from BlockBuster was
Anyone know the name of the last video rented from BlockBuster was
#imattheagewhere my idea of nightlife is ripping up the grocery store an hour before closing.
I wrote my dad a Happy 100th Birthday email today.
#ImAtTheAgeWhere. #HashtagGames
#ImAtTheAgeWhere I did the Macarena but I don’t know what a skibidi toilet is. #HashTagGames
I think most dad jokes are funny. #ImAtTheAgeWhere
I’m at the age where, if my mobile phone rings, and it’s either of my parents calling, I immediately answer it while hoping simultaneously that I’m going hear the most boring news imaginable, and not something about the failing life of one of them.
The junior & senior high schools I attended all had official student smoking areas. #ImAtTheAgeWhere
I can (& have) actually crack(ed) a rib just by sneezing. #ImAtTheAgeWhere
#ImAtTheAgeWhere I remember where buildings didn't use to be there.
#imattheagewhere when I need a missing screw i can FIND the replacement in a drawer full of orphaned screws.
I spent the day hanging curtains and threw out my *hip* - not my shoulder, not my back, my hip.
Bodies are weird.
I'm at the age where I remember when things were repaired instead of thrown out and replaced..
Today's top ten tag trends:
10: #caturday
9: #tatort
8: #baonpdx
7: #chears
6: #光る君へ
5: #munlei
4: #SilentSunday
3: #ListeningClub
2: #imattheagewhere
1: #nfl
i don't fear death. peace and quiet for eternity? yeah - i'll take that, please.
I wake up to the sound of snap! crackle! pop! ... and I don't eat cereal.
#imattheagewhere I am now referred to as "sir".
I have to read 1 or 2 paragraphs into an article about AI before I realize it’s not about a person named Albert.
I’m more apt to suffer a broken hip than a broken heart.
my kids tell me that I’m repeating myself.
my kids tell me that I’m repeating myself.
I have zero f*cks left to give