what if... neurotypicals and neurospicy people are the remnants of archaic subspecies? What would a neurospicy tribal encampment have looked like before it got swamped by the waves of migrating neurotypicals? #actuallyAutistic #dyslexia #adhd
what if... neurotypicals and neurospicy people are the remnants of archaic subspecies? What would a neurospicy tribal encampment have looked like before it got swamped by the waves of migrating neurotypicals? #actuallyAutistic #dyslexia #adhd
Every Child Deserves to Thrive!
Traditional classrooms don’t always meet the needs of students with ADHD, dyslexia, or ASD—but personalized tutoring can! At Learnability, we create customized learning plans that help students build confidence, improve focus, and develop essential skills.
Give your child the support they need to succeed! Learn more here
#PersonalizedTutoring #ADHD #Dyslexia #ASD #LearningSupport #StudentSuccess
I ask periodically but haven't found an answer yet. My partner has dyslexia, and I definitely don't have that (I can easily help her spell any word she asks), but I when typing I transpose S/2/5, 1/L and of course 0/O. I also substitute words like suitcase/briefcase. I also reverse the order of letters. When reading, numbers in particular, the digits seem to shift around, and if a digit is repeated I struggle to count how many times it is repeated. Is there a name for this? #actuallyAutistic #dyslexia #brain #neuroscience
@SecondUniverse you've got it.
I follow #dyslexia. There isn't as much content as I'd like.
What tags do I follow for #dyslexia content?
@inautilo Cool! I recently did a quick search for dyslexia friendly open source fonts, and did not find this one. Adding it to the collection.
We need a new #definition of #dyslexia, #research says Professor Julia Carroll, School of Education
Professor of Psychology in Education, #UniversityOfBirmingham https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/news/2025/we-need-a-new-definition-of-dyslexia-research-says
Who Can Diagnose Dyslexia? | Educational Inspiration
While various professionals are qualified to diagnose dyslexia, speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are uniquely trained...Contact us to learn more!
#diagnosedyslexia, #speechlanguagepathologist, #speechlanguageevaluation, #readingdisorderdiagnosis, #readingdisorder,
#readingcomprehension, #languagedisorder, #educationalassessments, #dyslexia, #dyslexiatesting
One of the fun parts about being #dyslexic is you make up your own words all the time…
This morning, my brain decided my Yeti mug is now my YEETI mug.
We need a new definition of #dyslexia
The researchers brought together 58 international experts in dyslexia, including academics, specialist teachers, educational psychologists, and individuals with dyslexia, to vote on whether they agreed with several key statements about dyslexia. The statements covered six key sections: the definition of dyslexia, intellectual abilities and dyslexia, the #AetiologyOfDyslexia, co-occurrence with other disorders, the changing impact of dyslexia over a lifespan, and common misconceptions.
42 statements received a consensus of more than 80% and were accepted by the group. They were then used to create the new definition of dyslexia
#PhonologicalProcessing #PhonologicalMemory #DevelopmentalLanguageDisorder #Dyscalculia #ADHD #Literacy #DevelopmentalLiteracy #LearningDifferences #LearingDisorders #DevelopmentalCoordinationDisorder
#SGU #TheSkepticsGuideToTheUniverse:
The Skeptics Guide #1025 - Mar 1 2025
Interview with #AdamRussell; News Items: #Congestion Pricing, #AI Therapists, Redefining #Dyslexia, Small Modular #Reactors for #Cargo_Ships; Who's That #Noisy; #Science or Fiction
Webseite der Episode: https://www.theskepticsguide.org/podcast/sgu
Mediendatei: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/skepticsguide/skepticast2025-03-01.mp3
On Tuesday I had the privilege of speaking at Oxford’s EDI Roundtable on #Neurodiversity. It’s inspiring to see the university breaking down barriers so neurodivergent students and staff feel they belong and thrive. More than 140 attendees joined thought-provoking discussions on policy, experience and inclusion. Fantastic to see this momentum continue! Huge thanks to all involved. Photos by Olivia Gaskin. #HigherEducation #Oxford #ADHD #Dyslexia #Dyspraxia #Autism #Inclusion #Belonging
And a quick and lazy image I made for work, which anyone is welcome to use if they if they find it useful.
@itsfoss not really, I rather úse arch, not ínstall it. Installing is the neccicary evil.
17 states are suing to end Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
What is section 504?
Entities that receive money from the Federal government are required to provide accommodations that give equal access to people with #ADHD, #autism, #dyslexia, #learningdisabilities, #physicaldisabilities among other disabilities.
These states want to remove the entire law that protects us with disabilities. #disabilities #504 #equalaccess
I've been thinking a lot about accessibility recently. Most recently dyslexia accessibility. I've written a blog post highlighting some good typeface choices and other useful resources:
We have a JISC mail list: www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/weba...
Current chatter: What started out as an enquiry has expanded into a discussion about #Neurodivergent characters in #media
Feel free to post any recommendation below
#Dyslexia #Autism #ADHD #Dyspraxia
#Dyscalculia #OCD #Film #Book
Dyslactia dislextia dieslektic dislexik dislexic byslexia dislexic bilextie bislexia byslexic dislekzik dislecksick
Just trying to create a catch-all post for any other lost dyslexics struggling to find the correct spelling of dyslexic because of their dyslexia preventing them from finding other folks sharing their struggle with dyslexia.
The correct spelling: #dyslexia #dyslexic
Additional suggestions welcome.
Having caught another typo on here to late it must be time for the reminder.
I am dyslexic. And I type very badly.
If I later realise the error could change the meaning of a post I will edit.
If you tell me you can't understand a post because of errors I will edit.
If you just don't understand I will try to explain in a new post.